A major underground fire in downtown Colorado Springs has affected our operations this morning and we are operating remotely in accordance with our disaster recovery policies. 

At approximately 2:30 this morning, a large fire broke out in the underground utility corridor in the block adjacent to our office location, which resulted in the loss of internet and electricity to buildings in the immediate area, and the evacuation of other nearby buildings due to unacceptably high carbon monoxide levels from the fire.

Our physical building was unaffected except for the loss of utilities at this location, and no client data is physically stored at our office location.

Normally, we would not report an interruption of electricity or internet service to our clients, but this was a major infrastructure event for the city, and there is not yet an estimated time for the repairs to be completed. As a result, we may be on remote operations for one or more business days.

Client trades and withdrawal requests are unaffected by this situation, except for slightly slower responses to emails and telephone calls/messages.

We hope to resume normal operations tomorrow, September 12, but this is an evolving situation. We will continue remote operations until we receive word that our utilities have been restored.